CoolAfricanMerch is 1 MONTH OLD Today
On the 3rd of July CoolAfricanMerch was birthed online to serve the world with African inspired designs on sustainable products.
Every step counts for a little baby
We will like to share with you some of the little fits achieved in the 1st Month:
- Launched our Asos MarketPlace Boutique
- Featured on the biggest Fashion Blog in Africa - BellaNaija & BellaStyle
- Featured on French Magazine KODD Magazine
- Shipped More than 136 Items in 4 weeks across 4 Continents
- Sold Out All the Hats Collection - To Be Restocked Soon
- LookBook for the 2019 Summer Collection Released
- Official CoolAfricanPlaylist Released on Spotify
- 1000+ Followers across all our social community
All of these couldn't have been achieved without our tribe - YOU! Thank you
And to celebrate with us today - Use this code: COOLBDAY20 to get 20% off everything online.